The overall air quality in the Delhi was recorded in the ‘moderate’ category on Sunday morning, with an AQI of 164, as per System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research (SAFAR). As per SAFAR data at 8:30 am, the AQI in the the IIT Delhi stood at 139, while in Mathura road, it stood at 152. Noida saw an AQI of 169 in moderate category while Gurugram recorded a ‘satisfactory’ category AQI of 88. Though the overall AQI was recorded in the moderate category, many areas in the national capital also saw ’poor’ AQI. As per SAFAR, Dhirpur recorded an AQI of 235 while Delhi University saw an AQI of 256. As per the Central Pollution Control Board data at 8:30 am, the AQI recorded in Anand Vihar was recorded at 258, Rohini at 219.
According to the AQI scale, the air quality check between 0 and 50 are considered “good”, 51 and 100 are “satisfactory”, 101 and 200 are “moderate”, 201 and 300 are “poor”, 301 and 400 are “very poor”, and 401 and 450 are “severe” and “severe+” when AQI exceeds 450.
Speaking of the weather for today, the weather department has predicted mainly clear skies today where the maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to settle around 36 and 22 degrees Celsius respectively, IMD said.
What does different stages of GRAP mandates?
GRAP Stage 1 mandates the suspension of work at private construction and demolition projects with a plot size equal to or exceeding 500 sqm that are not registered on the state government’s portal for remote monitoring of dust mitigation measures. Authorities are also tasked with enforcing a complete ban on the use of coal and firewood in tandoors at hotels, restaurants, and open eateries, along with taking punitive action against polluting industrial units and thermal power plants within 300 kilometers of Delhi.
Moreover, ensuring the proper implementation of guidelines for dust mitigation at construction and demolition project sites and sound environmental management of resulting waste is also part of Stage 1.
Speaking of GRAP Stage II, measures like increase in parking fees to discourage private transport and enhancing CNG/electric bus and metro services.
Under Stage III, BS III petrol and BS IV diesel four-wheelers are prohibited from operating in Delhi, Gurugram, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, and Gautam Buddh Nagar. It also involves a complete halt on construction and demolition work except for essential government projects, mining, and stone crushing. Apart from this, ban on the entry of light commercial vehicles registered outside Delhi and diesel-guzzling trucks, medium and heavy goods vehicles (except those involved in essential services).
If the GRAP Stage IV is activated, then measures like banning all types of construction and demolition work. State governments are also authorized to decide on online classes for school students and work from home arrangements for government and private offices during such situations.
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